Well, another year older, Rohan, the dog an I walked to the store for some donuts for breakfast, and a coffee. Walked through the park and the dog was a bundle of nervous energy running around. Need to go their either early or lat as there are just to many other people and dogs that he wants to play with, to allow him to run around. Rohan remembered it was my birthday and gave me a cute card, that reflected hi view of how he an I think. Me with thinks in little boxes in my mind and him with his all over the place. I hope I do not traumatize him. :(
His new phone got washed yesterday. He was pretty upset. We tumble dried it, a trick that has worked reasonably well before, and it now does pretty much work OK, although there seem to be some water spots now internal to the display, and two key buttons seem to me wrong. Not sure there is much more we can do there.
Jude is off to Saratoga trying to sell some jewelry, but with the way the market and finance scares are, it may be a bit of trouble to extract $ out of people these days.
Weather is now turning, and all the leaves are turning and falling now. Fully overcast and now starting to be dark so much earlier.
The election is really quite exciting, although I cannot understand how it could be at all close or how anyone could give any serious consideration to a McCain ticket, what with the VP choice, the tenents of spend more than they take in, postponing the day of reckoning to future generations, and with the lack of real world awareness. I also have trouble with the view that the republicans have that people should be all able to take car of themselves. That is just not right so unless they value the lives of the unemployed, homeless sick and infirm, those not voting I guess, as worthless, then I guess it is understandable. I recently heard that the McCain tax cuts and spending promises would raise the surplus by 5-10TRILLION dollars, above he already 5 trillion and projected 5 Trillion of the next 5-10 years at the current rate of spending and revenue income (Taxation) I think they have forgotten that a lot of previous revenue they used to get has now moved off shore.
Like I said, I could take to it with a red pen! A typing teacher would be HORRIFIED. I don't think Rohan would be too traunatized - he seems the best adjusted of the lot, actually.
I did a thing on that page you set up when we were there, but it looked so boring, I haven't even been back to check. I would really like it if any of the boys could be persuaded to communicate - even briefly - occasionally in someway. We did not have this problem when you were kids, as apart from Linda there were no grandparents around, and we saw her with a degree of frequency. 'haveago, please.
Americans have a reputation for not having a world view, but looking at the stuff the kids do, and listening to your friends, I wonder. Mind you, there was something recently about the mid-west, that seems to belie that. However, you would know better.
I do think Rohan's estimation of your character is spot on, and I think Tim has you pretty well summed up too. Didn't talk to Damon much about such things - he is probably the most up tight/shy/something. Maybe it's just us.
comment 2 - I have no idea of how this works. How is it different from email - or I.M. for that matter? We can't see any difference (though there may be some) between version 1 and 2: you have used both "diary" and "dairy" where you mean the first; confusion between "there " and "their" and the typo with "the" several times.
Apart fomr that, you would NEVER fail because what you say is so good; your spelling was never your strong point, but is exacerbated by the speed with which this kind of thing is sent, and with the youngies, by texting. However, there is more important things to worry about.
Notice even though it is supposed to be about YOU it is more about Rohan, dog, Jude and elections. That's fine, it gives an idea of what goes on in that curly head of yours.
Had a long chat to Win on landline - she doesn't use the computer at all - and she says that Karryn wants the house left just as Mary had it. You can imagine Ken looking after all the knick-knacks, can't you. He went shooting a few days ago with his two fox terriers, they went down a burrow and didn't come out! Bit devastating for him. He wandered, called, went back and dug out burrows, but didn't find them. Pretty sad for him.
OK, back to work - for both of us.
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Love pnj
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